At Emma Elliott Clinic we offer tailored medical treatments and supplementary therapies to achieve unparalleled, natural results for both men and women. Our dedication to exceptional care and transformative treatments sets us apart as a premier hair growth clinic. Discover the best hair loss solution for you and your lifestyle with our Hair Restoration Treatments.

We are now official partners of Blue Magic Group Clinic, the world’s leading Hair Transplant provider in Istanbul as featured in Forbes and Bloomberg Business. We will be holding face to face, telephone and video consultations for prospective Hair transplant patients and offering a full aftercare service with access to fully qualified medics throughout each stage of the process. We also offer Male only dates at our clinic in Crosby Liverpool. There will be a fully qualified member of staff who has personally been through the full patient journey on hand to answer any questions and re-assure you at every stage of the process. You will also have your own Dedicated Patient Care Co-ordinator from BMG Clinic to ensure a luxurious bespoke service.

We use state of the art equipment to scan your head, this along with images will then be sent to the relevant consultant/surgeon who will then complete a diagnostic report to decide if the patient is a suitable candidate for a hair transplant, if so, they will then assess the donor area and make the decision on how many grafts the patient can have.

The most critical part of the process is aftercare and follow up advice which we provide at the clinic. All aftercare advice is with Emma and Scott Elliott and the following treatments are done by Jenny @vitaclinicliverpool.

Hair Growth Plasma Injections (PRP)
(60 mins) £150.00

Scalp Microneedling
(45 mins) £70.00

Hair Vitamin Mesotherapy
(30 mins) £50.00

Biotin Injections
(15 mins) £35.00